EVMS Services Overview

Our EVM services align with the DCMA EVMS Business Practices and the EIA-748 Standard:

  1. Pre-Award EVM Plans

  2. System Description Development and Maintenance

  3. PMB Development

  4. System Surveillance Support

  5. Corrective Actions and Compliance Reviews

  6. Reporting and Analysis

TMS consulting engagements typically fall into one of the following categories:

EVM System Implementation and Maintenance

Here our team works with your organization to implement a new system, upgrade tools and processes, or undertake corrective actions discovered during surveillance or compliance reviews. Goals range from getting a CAR resolved as quickly as possible to implementing a completely new system designed for cloud scalability and increased automation. See our sections on System Design or Compliance and Surveillance for more information.

Direct Project Support

The EVMS is an integrated cost/schedule management system, and many organizations lack experience with planning and scheduling in that environment. TMS provides trained planner schedulers who are familiar with EVM process requirements to support your project teams, making sure that all performance information integrates correctly and accurately represents progress.

EVMS Outsourcing

For customers looking to outsource their EVMS implementation and maintenance, TMS offers total system outsourcing. See our EVMS Outsourcing page for details.